A to Z Library Services & Information
Several Library resources have apps for use on your smart device.
There are many options for listening to books. The Library has two digital services for playing on your smart device: Hoopla and OverDrive (using the Libby app).
In the Library, you can checkout audiobooks on cds or playaways (playaways are a book that is pre-loaded on a small portable device).
Baskets to Borrow
Handy baskets will hold your materials as you make selections and can be checked out for convenient storage at home. Look for the plastic yellow baskets several places around the Library. Baskets are checked out for 21 days and may be renewed. Return the basket to the check-in area.
Thank you to the Friends of the Library for generously providing the baskets.
Battle of the Books
This special reading program is for students in Grades 4 and 5. The students form teams and read from a list of 15 librarian-selected books from December to March. Two Written Battles determine the top 12 teams which compete in a series of Oral Battles. The top two teams from the Oral Battles face off in a Championship Battle to determine the winning team.
Track your reading for Library reading programs. Sign up for a free account to use the service.
Help using the Beanstack App | Help using Beanstack on your computer
Book Club in a Bag
The Library offers a quick and easy way to hold a book discussion group: Book Club in a Bag. The kits are available for adults, teens, and tweens. Each kit contains ten copies of a popular book and information about the author and title, including discussion questions, all packaged into a sturdy zipper bag for you to carry.
Book Donations
Donated materials become the property of the Library. Materials may be added to the collection or given to the Friends of the Library to be sold at their used book sales. Proceeds from the sale support Library projects and programs. A receipt for donated material is available at the Reference Desk.
Please bring all donations to the Library's garage located in the staff parking lot off of Eastman Ave during regular business hours.
Book Express
The purpose of Book Express is to get new popular books into the reader's hands as quickly as possible and to move a book from person to person with a minimum amount of time involved. These books circulate for 1 week and do not allow holds. (Additional books are available for holds.) The collection is located in front of the Reference Desk.
Book Sales
The Friends of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library hosts a large used book sale a couple times of year. Re-tale Market also provides books for sale in the Orchard Room anytime the Library is open.
Book Suggestions
Is the library missing something? Let us know if there is a title you'd like to borrow that the library doesn't own. You can also Log into the catalog, select My Account, then Reserves/Request then select the last option.
Library and Internet resources to help readers find a good book to read.
Books Coming Soon
See the titles that are due to be released in the near future. Also Reserve Express will automatically place you on the reserve list for new books by your favorite authors.
Our staff can help you find your next book, DVD, or CD, even if you don't have a specific title in mind! Just fill out some information and we can get started.
Check Out Periods
Most items checkout for 21 days. A printed receipt will list the due dates of your library materials when you check them out or you can view when items are due in the My Account section of the Library catalog.
Child Library Cards
Minors (under 18 years old) must have a parent or legal guardian present and sign the application to obtain a card.
Computer Classes
LinkedIn Learning - Watch video tutorials to improve your software, technology, creative, and business skills.
Computer Services at the Library
The Library has a variety of computer services available to patrons. They include access to the Internet, word processing, Wi-FI, and more.
Consumer Reports
Find current product information on cars appliances electronics and more. View unbiased product ratings and reviews.
Corporate Cards
If your business/organization is located within the Library’s service area, you are eligible to receive a library card for your company. Contact the circulation department for more information, 837-3457.
Find published and reliable information. Use your library card number and PIN (usually the last 4 numbers of your phone number) to access these resources from home.
Display Rental Areas
The Library has art exhibition and display spaces for use. Contact the Library during administrative office hours (M-F 8am-12noon & 1-5pm) for information about reserving the spaces, 837-3432.
Donated materials become the property of the Library, materials may be added to the collection or given to the Friends of the Library to be sold at their used book sales. Monetary gifts may be given in honor or in memory of a person.
DVD Rentals
There is no charge to check out DVD's and they check out for 7 days. Older items can be renewed twice and there is no limit to how many older DVD's you can borrow. New DVDs cannot be renewed and there is a limit of 5 new DVD's per household.
The Library has two digital services for reading on your smart device: Hoopla and OverDrive. (OverDrive will work with Kindle and other eReaders.) This service is available to library card holders in good standing.
Check the City of Midland's Human Resources page for current openings.
Exam Proctoring Service
The Library provided a proctoring service for distance learning students who are eligible for a library card.
Facebook Page
Come visit us on Facebook.
The mission of the Friends of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library is to support, strengthen and enlarge the scope of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library's services and facilities for the enrichment of the entire community.
Foreign Languages
The Library has books, audiobooks and foreign film DVD's to help you learn a foreign language.
Housed in the Local History/Genealogy Room near the Reference Desk, genealogical services include: access to microfilm readers and printers, the complete Midland newspapers on microfilm, microfilms of US censuses for Midland, and microfilm copies of other local vital statistics. The Genealogy Collection (shown as RG in the catalog) contains materials of basic genealogical references, local and regional genealogy sources, materials on states of basic migration patterns, and basic Canadian materials. Materials such as family histories are not added unless there is a Midland connection. Reference Genealogy materials do not circulate.
A hold allows a person to acquire material that is currently checked out. Place a hold by using the catalog, at the Reference Desk, or at any Library computers. You will be notified by phone, text, or email when the item is ready for you. There is no charge for this service.
Use MelCat to place holds on items owned by other Michigan libraries.
Hoopla is a digital service for borrowing audiobooks, comics, eBooks, movies, music, and TV. Hoopla allows Library patrons to download content using the app or stream media content in your web browser. Find instructions for using the app.
Monday to Thursday: 9am - 7:30pm | Friday - Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Curbside Pickup Friday: 4 pm - 4:45pm (By appointment)
Inter-Library Loans
When information is not readily available at the Library, we will help you locate it in another location. Use Melcat a Michigan-wide catalog, to place requests yourself or contact the Reference Desk for assistance, 989-837-3449.
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform that offers films and documentaries. The service includes the Great Courses series and Kanopy Kids includes children's programming. Find instructions for using the app.
Library Board
The Library Board studies Library services offered to the community. The Board advises the City Council on user policies and future plans for improving library services. View the Board Meetings.
Library Cards
A Library card is available free of charge to all individuals who show proof of residency within our service area. The cardholder is responsible for all materials checked out. Report lost or stolen Library cards as well as changes of name, address, phone number, or e-mail address to the Checkout Desk, 989-837-3457. Minors (under 18 years old) must have a parent or legal guardian present and sign the application to obtain a card.
Library Events Newsletter
Sign up to receive information about upcoming programs and new services at the Library. The newsletters are sent to your email.
Watch video tutorials to improve your computer, creative, and business skills. Used to be Lynda.com.
The Local History/Genealogy Room houses historical collections of the Library. These include the Reference Michigan collection (RM), Genealogy Reference (RG), Midland newspapers, and micro-form materials. The Reference Michigan collection is comprised of materials pertinent to the City of Midland and Midland County, materials important to the development and history of the county, major industries, and major personages. See our Genealogy Gateway for more resources.
The Library has subscriptions to mostly popular interest magazines. You can see our magazines in the catalog. The current issue is for use in the Library only and older issues can be checked out. Several titles are kept for longer time periods. You can borrow digital magazines through OverDrive and Hoopla. Research databases let you search and read articles on a variety of topics. Contact the Reference Desk, 989-837-3449, for more information.
Michigan-wide catalog and loaning system. You can search and request for material to be sent to the Library using your Library card number. How to use MelCat.
Monetary gifts are welcome. They may be given in honor or in memory of a person. Donors may request the type of material and the subject area. An acknowledgement is sent to the donor and to the honoree or the honoree's family. A bookplate is placed in each item and includes the donor's and the honoree's names.
The Michigan Activity Pass is a partnership between Michigan public libraries and hundreds of Michigan’s state parks, historic sites, cultural attractions, campgrounds and recreation areas. Library patrons can print a pass to one of the hundreds of participating institutions. Some partners offer complimentary or reduced price admission; others, discounts in their gift shop or other exclusive offers. Each pass expires one week from the date it is checked out.
Located near the northwest corner of the lower level, the MID Lab offers a space for patrons ages 12 through adult to create, tinker, and explore.
Midland Daily Newspaper Index
View citations for the newspaper from 1963 to the present. Come into the library to view the micro-film from the 1870's to the present. View full text articles of the newspaper.
Midland Government Information Center
The Library maintains a partial collection of City of Midland documents which includes meeting minutes, annual reports, budgets, and proposals. EPA and a limited number of other government reports are also available.
Popular eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines that are compatible with the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other eReader devices. This service is available to residents of the Library’s legal service area. Find instructions for using the service.
Phone Numbers
General Library Information: 989-837-3430
Reference Questions: 989-837-3449
Checkout, renewals, account information: 989-837-3457
Youth Services: 989-837-3466
MCTV Network: 989-837-3474
Text: 989-750-0060
Friends of the Library: 989-839-8159
PIN or Password
The PIN is usually the last 4 numbers of your phone number. You will need the PIN to use the computers in the Library, sign into the catalog to request items, borrow eBooks, and many of the research databases. Call the Library at 989-837-3449 for help identifying your PIN.
View the policies set by the Library for acquiring a library card, checkout periods, fines and fees, rules of conduct, and Internet use.
Proctoring Service
The Library provided a proctoring service for distance learning students who are eligible for a library card.
Print from the Internet or word processing using the Library's computers. The cost for black and white prints are 10 cents per page. Color printing is 50 cents per page.
On your own computer, tablet, or phone, send the print job to: askgadml@gmail.com
Programs for Adults
Enjoy lectures, movies, computer classes, crafts and more.
Programs for Teens
Various teen programs are held throughout the year including Cram Night, crafts, and book discussions.
Programs for Youth
From book discussions and storytimes to special event programs, the Youth Services Department offers many different opportunities for children of all ages.
Reading Resources
Resources to help readers find their next good read.
Reference Services
We provide information such as statistics, business information, homework help, reader's advisory services, and much more to the general public and local government. When you have a question, call us at 989-837-3449.
Renew Items
Extend the loan period for material that has been checked out. Two successive renewals may be made on most materials if another patron has not placed a hold on them. You must have your library card with you to renew. Some materials are not eligible for renewal such as new DVD's and Book Express. Renew your material by
calling the circulation desk at 989-837-3457,
texting the library at 989-750-0060,
accessing "My Account" on our our web catalog. View how to instructions.
in the library, stopping at the Checkout Desk, or using the catalog computers.
Reserve Express
Reserve Express will automatically place you on the reserve list for new books from your favorite authors. Log into the catalog to choose the authors. View how to instructions.
Room Rentals
The Library has rooms available for rent: three conference rooms (20 person capacity), the Community Room with kitchen facilities (49 person capacity), and the Auditorium (266 person capacity) with projector, lighting, and sound system. Contact the Library during administrative office hours (M-F 8am-12noon & 1-5pm) for information about reserving the meeting rooms at
Anyone with a library card (in good standing) can “borrow” heirloom and open-pollinated seeds for free. The goal is to create a self-sustaining seed library where growers who “borrow” seeds will save and return seeds to the library after they have harvested their crops.
Check our calendar for upcoming storytimes.
Summer Reading Program for Youth, Teens, and Adults
A reading/listening program is held each summer for all ages -- from infants to teens and adults. Participants receive prizes for reading or listening to books throughout the summer. Many programs and special performances are scheduled throughout the summer to celebrate summer reading.
GADML provides many resources for teachers in our service area, including Teacher Cards, Teacher Totes, and classroom visits.
Tours for Youth
Tours provide an overview of the Library’s collection and services for children. The Library schedules tours for third grade classes from public schools in the Library's service area. Other groups in the community have the opportunity to schedule special tours for their needs as well. Interested adults can either call Youth Services, 989-837-3466, to schedule a tour. Tour requests need to be made at least one month in advance.
Used Book Sale
The Friends of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library hosts a large used book sale a couple times of year. Re-tale Market also provides books for sale in the Orchard Room anytime the Library is open.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Library has several ways you can get involved. Library Board, Friends of the Library and Volunteens.
Wireless Access to the Internet
The Library provides free open access to the Internet through our wireless network.
Choose Wi-Fi option: GraceADowLibraryWIFI Password: gadml2024
Youth Services Department
Offers a variety of resources and services designed especially for infants, children, and teens, along with their parents, caregivers, and teachers. It's large collection of fiction and non-fiction books, along with various multimedia materials, are located on the lower level of the library. At the YS desk, helpful librarians are ready to answer questions or offer reader’s advisory. There is much to see and do in our inviting youth-centered environment, from the various children’s activity stations to the lively Teen Spot. Storytimes and special programs are offered throughout the year for all ages.