Library of Things
The Library is more than just books and DVDs!
All of the “things” below are available for checkout from the Library.
Board Games
Enjoy time with your friends and family!
Games for all ages
3 week checkout period
View the Board Games in the catalog
Book Club in a Bag Kits
A quick and easy way to hold a book discussion group.
10 copies of a popular book and discussion questions
60 day checkout period
View Book Club in a Bag Kits in the catalog
Craft Kits
Kits to help you get creative!
Kits include needles, yarn, and book, pattern or instruction sheet.
3 week checkout period
View the Craft Kits in the catalog
Discovery Kits
Kits to build fine motor skills.
Intended for ages 3-10 years old
3 week checkout period
View the Discovery Kits in the catalog
Jigsaw Puzzles
Enjoy time with a colorful puzzle.
Various levels of difficulty
3 week checkout period
Literacy Kits
Kits includes books, activities and more to learn early literacy skills!
Intended for Grades K-3
3 week checkout period
Math Kits
Kits includes a book and activities to learn early math skills.
Intended for ages 3-5 years old
3 week checkout period
View the Math Kits in the catalog
Outdoor activities, equipment & games for you and your family to enjoy.
1 week checkout period
Spark a Memory Kits
Themed, multi-sensory items designed to initiate positive conversations and memories from the past.
Intended for people with dementia and their families
3 week checkout period